The Sleeping Camel in Bamako is a popular watering hole for expats working with the UN mission in Mali.
Originally posted to HUBB on 6th June, 2017
We are currently at the Sleeping Camel. Great place with good food after a few scorching, 40+ degree days from St Louis to Bamako.
Senegal Exit
Customs took out TIP and kept it. Very informal and difficult to find the post. It was alright by the gate out of Senegal.
We never got stamped out of Senegal. We never saw a post and then all of a sudden we were in Mali. Figured if we weren't coming back through then we just keep going.
Mali Entry
Very friendly upon crossing the gate to Mali. Drive a few kms probably to the front of the huge line of trucks and found customs. TIP was a slow process. Passed from one to another to another agent. Then he didn't really know what he was doing. Had to help him along. They did check the VIN#on the bikes. Otherwise they spelt my name wrong on the papers. Basically seemed to be not especially literate. Charged us 5000CFA each. Everyone was paying, locals included and we paid less than the trucks. Not sure if it was legit, but got a receipt with our names and VIN#s on them.
Passports stamped a little further up the road in a nondescript, not obvious post. Visa from Nouakchott was accepted no trouble. Then we were away.
Mali people have been amazing. Some great wild camping for 2 nights before reaching Bamako.
The street meat game in Mali is strong.
Nigeria Visa
This has proven the easiest visa after Mali (30mins same day). Omar is the guy to speak to. Really great dude that speaks good English. 2 passport photos, copy of passport and motorcycle registration papers. It was ready the next day. We may even go for dinner and some live music with him.
Otherwise it just started raining. Heavy storm that has felt like it has been brewing for a few days. The wet season might have just started.